Thursday, 28 November 2019

Scooter Training for Room 9a with Janet from Auckland Transport

Today Janet from Auckland Transport came into school to work with us on scooter training. 

 First of all, Janet talked to us about our helmets.

She told us never to wear our sunhats under our helmets as it stops the helmet from sitting correctly.

Then she taught us that if our helmet fits us correctly, we should only be able to fit two fingers between our eyebrows and the start of the helmet. 
Lots of our helmets had 4-5 fingers between our eyes and the helmet which means that they are too big!

We use our fingers to make a V and that is where the buckle should go under our ears.

 We should only be able to get one finger between our chin and the strap of our helmet.
Lots of us could get 3-4 fingers between so the helmets are too loose! This is dangerous.

Janet checked our scooters to make sure that they weren't too wobbly from the handle to the base as this is dangerous too. 

We talked about sneaky driveways and how we should look both ways when we go past a sneaky driveway on our scooter.

We got ready to learn some more safety tips.

We learned how to bend our knees and jump off the scooter with both feet together while holding the handles in an emergency stop.

We also learned how to use the back break to slow ourselves down a little. 

Please check your child's helmet as many of the helmets were not fitting correctly for your child. Also your child must ALWAYS wear a helmet when on a scooter or a bike to keep them safe.

1 comment:

  1. wow you all learnt so much. It is so important to make sure that you helmet fits correctly. The tips about being able to fit only two fingers between your eyebrows and the start of the helmet and only one finger between your chin and the strap of your helmet were very useful
